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Personal Interview Testimonials

Testimonial - Beau Flasher

Testimonial – Beau Flasher

For 34-year-old jazz concert pianist, songwriter and teacher Beau D. Flasher, playing the piano was his passion since age three. Suddenly in August 2012, all that changed when he accidently fell on solar panels causing the metal framing to cut four tendons in his right forearm. Beau had been seeing Dr. Kai Mazur for tendonitis. He turned to him again for help in restoring his hand. Dr. Mazur took time to carefully outline and describe the tendon attachment procedure. Surgery took two hours, followed by weeks of healing and rehabilitation. Beau didn’t play the piano for six months. When he did, he found his keyboard timing was off by half a second. For two more years his undying passion for music energized him to keep playing to overcome this discrepancy. Today his timing is back as he continues to improve. He credits Dr. Mazur with saving his career while also giving him a chance to reflect and overcome fear with love

Dr. Mazur has been an inspiration to me for the skillful way he handled my surgery and also for his personable, warm-hearted approach from the initial consultation to post-op recovery. Now I want to help inspire others facing similar experiences or physical difficulties to realize that whatever happens, choose to stay positive. I will be eternally grateful for what the SRO team was able to do for me – as they have for many others.

Testimonial - Erick Woelfel

Testimonial – Paul Hentz

“Dr. Mazur saved my career, and the only thing more important to me is my family!” – Paul Hentz

Paul Hentz loves his profession. As a structural helicopter mechanic for REACH Air Medical Services, Paul ensures that these specialized medical transport aircraft are always ready for action. Which is why, after a torn hand ligament, Paul needed a doctor who could ensure his complete recovery, and a speedy return to work.

“I did a ton of research on who is the best hand and upper extremity doctor in the area and found Dr. Kai-Uwe Mazur. Not only did he have great reviews, but was also strongly recommended by a friend who was a former patient. She had a severe accident, and after her surgery with Dr. Mazur and rehabilitation, she has completely restored use of her arm. It just goes to show how Dr. Mazur’s work is really incredible.”

After his surgery was successfully completed, Paul continued to receive regular care and rehabilitation.

Testimonial - Paul Hentz

Testimonial – Erick Woelfel

Eric “Wicked Arm” Woelfel is a World Champion arm wrestler, competing professionally for 27+ years. A solar contractor from Petaluma by trade, Eric’s first tournament was in 1987, where he placed second in the heavy weight right arm class. From that point on he was hooked, competing worldwide and winning numerous international titles. However, that all changed, when Eric felt a painful tear resulting in an injury that would potentially end his arm wrestling competitions.

“Dr. Mazur was extraordinarily knowledgable, came highly recommended and really seemed to care about getting me back to arm wrestling. It’s hard to believe, but Dr. Mazur’s surgery has held up perfectly and I’m actually stronger than ever. I’m so grateful to Dr. Mazur and would recommend him to anybody needing specialized arm or hand treatment.”

Eric sought out the care of Dr. Kai Mazur in hopes of repairing the detached tendons in his arm. After a complex surgery and rehabilitation therapy, Eric was competing again – subsequently winning another world championship. To this day, “Wicked Arm Woelfel” is competing strongly, winning 1st place in 11 world championships, most of them after Dr. Mazur’s repair. Eric runs Nor Cal Power in Petaluma, for more information visit

Testimonial - Joanne Foster

Testimonial – Joanne Foster

“I’ve never known a doctor as empathetic as Dr. Mazur. He really cares, and he doesn’t let his surgical brilliance go to his head.”– Joanne Foster

At 64 years old, Joanne Foster has over 40 years experience working as an international flight attendant. Over the last five years, Joanne has had to take two leaves of absence from her career due to increasing arthritic pains in her hands. Joanne came to Dr. Kai Mazur on a referral from her doctor. Dr. Mazur performed highly technical procedures on both of Joanne’s hands to reconstruct the worn down tendons and bone structure, ultimately alleviating Joanne’s crippling symptoms.

Dr. Mazur is an absolute genius in the operating room. Not only do my hands feel great now, but they look beautiful. My tiny bone structure didn’t exactly make me a model patient either. The tiniest screws normally used to repair finger joints were not small enough for my pinky. Dr. Mazur actually had to take bone from wrist and fuse it into my little finger. I’ve never known a doctor as empathetic as Dr. Mazur. He really cares, and he doesn’t let his surgical brilliance go to his head. With my arthritis pain gone, I’m now in the process of becoming re-certified to go ack to work, and I can play my piano again! I couldn’t have done it without Dr. Mazur’s perseverance and expert care.